Posts Tagged ‘weather’

fixed on the weather

March 5, 2015

I admit, I’m fixed on the weather – the temps and whatever else it brings. It has a large affect on how my days go, particularly when dyeing is involved. That’s the situation today.



It’s been over a week though, since my foray to Florida to join some of my far-flung siblings and cousins for an auspicious family event. My mother turned 90, so we celebrated – had a grand time.

The ice was heavy on tree limbs

The ice was heavy on tree limbs

On my return though, I was greeted with another snow/ice storm which took out our power for most of a day. We’ve had worse, but it was still a reminder that we are not well prepared for these things in our area.

snow on sweetgum tree

snow on Sweetgum tree

Still I don’t like to miss the opportunity of catching nature when it brings us to a stand-still.

yesterday, in the 70s

yesterday, in the 70s

Yesterday, though, an abrupt change, a spike to 75 °, a chance to catch up on some work.  But today….rain with a good chance of sleet and ice. Nature and the weather….

By the way, my workshops page has been updated – that April workshop at the museum…well, ready for your consideration. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.


summer works

July 17, 2014

This month, more than the others, so far, seems to be the peak month for “projects”. At least it feels like the month for completing some of the more significant ones for events ahead.
Christine best described here some aspects of one I’ve been participating in since spring.  I mentioned it earlier, and as far as I know, my part is finally complete and turned in (last weekend). I can only say that I’m grateful for the experience, the ability to participate and learn from it – gifts from Cheryl. I also look forward to seeing it in its final form.


As I mentioned in my last entry, I was (and still am) working to complete a series of large banners. They’ve been my focus over this week and I’m working on the last one today. The size (roughly 55” x 144” (4 yds.) is definitely outside of my usual and there were some challenges.


Those challenges are also why I take on projects like this.   I ask myself a lot of “why” and “how” questions – nothing like tickling the brain.  Also, this month and next are matsuri (festival) months – these are the colors and patterns that speak of summer – found in yukata – worn at matsuri.  It’s the season for this kind of work.


Then, there are the results, seeing them on my clothesline, being carried on the wind like a kite – if there’s a good wind. There was, this week, with thunderstorms on the edge, threatening.

Who has seen it?

June 14, 2013

banners in shibori

Originally uploaded by SOFennell

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you:
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I:
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing through.
Christina Rossetti

風・かぜ・kaze (wind) – seems we’re seeing a lot of it lately in one form or another, for good or for ill. We had a bit of it here, and while it was more fierce in other areas, we were fortunate.

I guess we had the “impressionist” experience – dark (threatening skies), the pine trees behind the house groaned and creaked, some rain and wind but no damage. It was over for us in almost a blink.

We did lose power for a few hours, but it made things peaceful. The dogs were confused (it seems), as we were in candlelight for a lot of the evening. We were fortunate.

The image? It has something to do with Christina Rossetti’s poem and brings to mind a small crayon drawing I made in elementary school to illustrate the idea. It no longer exists, of course, but the poem, not forgotten.

at the vat again

March 5, 2013

Indigo 1
Originally uploaded by SOFennell

I must say, the day started well with sunshine and hope. I made a note to myself to do some yard work in the afternoon. I met most of my goal for the morning.  The vat was giving good color, those ‘garments’ were lining up nicely on the clothesline, but it wasn’t long before feeling a few drops in the air.

It was raining by lunchtime. So much for those afternoon plans. Tomorrow we’re apparently welcoming winter for the day again. A day off wouldn’t be a bad thing.

There are a few other projects wanting my attention and a couple of good books.

Now it isn’t

February 16, 2013


You just never know around here.  Some winters you see it, some you don’t.

It’s sticking just a bit.  It won’t last, but I’m enjoying the view.

A cup of tea or maybe hot chocolate will do me at some point today – and maybe a good fire – cheering.

In the meantime, I’m watching the flakes fall.

My dictionary gives us:

「雪がひどく降っている。」Yuki ga hidoku futte iru.

It’s snowing thick and fast [well…just plain snowing here.].

降る・ふる・furu – precipitate, fall – rain, snow and ash fall.

「雪がしんしんと降る」Yuki ga shinshin to furu.  The snow keeps falling silently.

「チラチラ降る」Chira chira furu – to fall in flakes.

Let it snow.

a winter’s day in the studio

January 24, 2013


Winter seems to want to spend time with us this year.  The last few days have been chilly, but today the air has had a touch of bitterness with wind.  It has added challenges to some surprising and serendipitous custom work that was delivered to the dye studio on Tuesday morning.

It has been cold outside, but in the studio, even though it’s unheated, in the warmth of the sun, it’s just fine.  Layering up in warm clothes, hat and scarves, hands in warm indigo – I’m good!

Last night though, in an attempt to keep work inside, huge puddles formed on the floor in spite of layering plastic and blanketing drop cloths.  I had no idea the pieces would drip so much.

So today I resorted to the outdoor clothesline again despite the temps.  It hasn’t been so bad.  At least the drips are outside and later the pieces will continue drying in the studio.  Tomorrow we may be experiencing more of ‘that’ precipitation.  Winter doesn’t last long here, so as far as I’m concerned, it’s welcome.

I’m also including a link with a video from NHK about the aizome (indigo dyeing) process.  It’s in Japanese, but I think the information will be clear enough. Tanoshinde! Enjoy!


January 17, 2013

Originally uploaded by SOFennell

It’s coming…if only briefly. It’s a small affirmation of winter around here – lately – it seems.  It was beginning to feel like spring.

I’ve been wanting some sign and it looks like at least tonight we will receive a little of it. I hope it’s more than less.

It gets mixed reviews around here – an inconvenience, I suppose. I know a few people, including myself who would welcome it.

I say “Bring it on!” What say, Mother Nature? Fun?

P.S.  My “in-house” tech support advised me to mention my new venture on Twitter (bird button is there in that right column) – feel free to follow….