Posts Tagged ‘pattern’


August 14, 2015

Not planning and just engaging is probably one aspect of the two pieces I worked with this week.

flat & straight

flat & straight

At this point, I think of them as scribbles or sketches, but not so quickly done. My hands and brain wanted to approach some ideas…so it’s a beginning. They seemed to want to “squish” some cloth.

curves, slopes

curves, slopes

Neither one of them came out of the vat in the way I anticipated and that’s fine. I just imagined something different.

textures & 2 differing techniques

textures & 2 differing techniques

The information from the results, though is worth something. There’s texture, the techniques – the fact that they seem indistinguishable from each other (not what I was hoping for). Still, there are areas that I enjoy looking at.



And I needed to walk through it. I know I’m only beginning with this “whatever” and I’ve got to listen to what it’s saying.

summer works

July 17, 2014

This month, more than the others, so far, seems to be the peak month for “projects”. At least it feels like the month for completing some of the more significant ones for events ahead.
Christine best described here some aspects of one I’ve been participating in since spring.  I mentioned it earlier, and as far as I know, my part is finally complete and turned in (last weekend). I can only say that I’m grateful for the experience, the ability to participate and learn from it – gifts from Cheryl. I also look forward to seeing it in its final form.


As I mentioned in my last entry, I was (and still am) working to complete a series of large banners. They’ve been my focus over this week and I’m working on the last one today. The size (roughly 55” x 144” (4 yds.) is definitely outside of my usual and there were some challenges.


Those challenges are also why I take on projects like this.   I ask myself a lot of “why” and “how” questions – nothing like tickling the brain.  Also, this month and next are matsuri (festival) months – these are the colors and patterns that speak of summer – found in yukata – worn at matsuri.  It’s the season for this kind of work.


Then, there are the results, seeing them on my clothesline, being carried on the wind like a kite – if there’s a good wind. There was, this week, with thunderstorms on the edge, threatening.

Blues & Shibori

April 10, 2013

All these blues….and shibori to boot.  It’s what makes the pattern and the statement.

Shibori & Indigo – Pattern Observer

It’s about pattern – Surface Design and so much more.

pattern practice

March 8, 2013

pattern practice
Originally uploaded by SOFennell

Sometimes I get stuck, which is where I’ve been on one small piece. I started it,  put it down thinking the progress I’d made would leave adequate clues. It didn’t. Besides, it’s a pattern I struggle with. My brain doesn’t want to do it.

Sometimes I can work through it and at others, it completely baffles me. That’s what happened this week.

In the end, I did some experimenting and much needed practice. The piece on the right is the “authentic” pattern that challenges. It seems to work. The one on the left is simply one I wondered about and thought it could be a shortcut.  It has possibilities I think, but obviously the one on the right is the stronger of the two.

On this fabric, muslin, the pattern just didn’t take that well. Something didn’t quite work (binding not tight enough?) but I can see some similarities and differences in the patterns. It’s enough to keep me interested, asking further questions and continuing with the practice.