Posts Tagged ‘mokume stitching’

other threads

October 20, 2016

There were seemingly invisible glistening strands running from plant to plant and stem to stem in this morning’s light. With the sun’s reflection the “stitches” appeared and disappeared – another reflection of the season.

web with stitches

web with stitches

I still don’t remember whether I intentionally planted this or whether it’s wild. It doesn’t matter as it’s putting on a vibrant show where so many of my summer blooms have dried up in the summer heat.  I won’t be pulling it up.

mystery "sunflower"

mystery “sunflower”

Progress on the third yukata is slow, but that’s sometimes the nature of it. I’m pleased with the results of the first overlap piece in mokume – wood grain pattern. I’ve begun dyeing a sleeve, and then it’s one more overlap. Can’t wait to begin the assembly.

mokume overlap detail

mokume overlap detail

The last few days have been unseasonably warm, confusing the critters, including a copperhead that visited.   He disappeared quickly enough and I hope that means he ventured off into the woods behind my house.   With cooler temps coming, they’ll be in hibernation soon, I’m told.


chasing mokume

September 30, 2010

The last two days have been almost solid rain, and welcome.  Some areas in the state got more than needed, flooding, but we’ve been in a drought, so it was a mixed blessing.  Still, it’s meant staying close to home and I haven’t minded a bit.

Today, I spent time with needle and thread, and while working caught up on a current taiga dorama (大河ドラマ)、 Ryomaden, starring Masaharu Fukuyama.  This particular episode took place in the Kirishima mountains in Satsuma where Sakamoto Ryoma and his wife Oryo were honeymooning.   What peaked my attention was not the fantastic vistas of those mountains, but Oyro’s hippari, farmer’s jacket – all in shibori mokume nui and indigo.

After watching, I went on a search to find images of it and finally turned up this link – a one page collection of images of her and the jacket.  You will need to scroll down past the large heading with Sakurajima in the background and  past the torii (shrine gateway).  In fact, make sure to go all the way to the end of the page for the complete viewing.

summer shibori

July 16, 2010

Table runner

Originally uploaded by SOFennell

A family wedding is in the offing, August actually, and another opportunity to make a gift. The last 2 nieces received tablecloths. This time I thought a linen table runner and a set of matching napkins might be the thing.

I’ve just finished mokume stitching on the runner and can’t wait to get it all “scrunched” before beginning some small quick patterns on the napkins.

I hope to get it in the dye pot this weekend, but it may be Monday before it actually gets there. The weather could play a part in this as well. We’re due for much needed showers and thunderstorms.