Posts Tagged ‘cicada’

simply summer

August 15, 2016

There’s an abundance of sound in my yard these mornings. As the temperatures rise though, it seems to quiet.

It’s a familiar sound and defines the month of August for me.  I look forward to it every year, but this year the whining seems to be thicker.  Are there more of them?  Is it the heat?  No idea.

mock-up nearly complete

mock-up nearly complete

The mock-up yukata worked up much faster than anticipated.   I was surprised how quickly, considering the entire process was by hand (even the stitching).

The cloth came from a friend’s basement – she was clearing out.  As it was meant as practice…it isn’t full size, only 3 feet in length.  I’m not sure much of it is in correct proportion, but it gave me a chance to learn about overlaps and attaching the collar.

In spite of the fabric unknowns, it took the dye far better than anticipated.  Each piece was manipulated exactly the same way, but the dye responded differently with each one, so it may lack a ‘fine consistency’ but I like the differences.

A second yukata is underway, this time it’s full size, so it will take longer to sew.  I’m looking forward to seeing pattern results once the cloth has been through its manipulations.









Savoring summer

August 15, 2012

Savoring summer 2

Originally uploaded by SOFennell

I have a couple of weeks or maybe more of “free” time before other projects begin to approach again. I’m looking forward to it, but at the same time I’m enjoying the breathing time.

I planted zinnias from seed this spring and it has taken literally until this month to bloom. It’s good to see them. I had hopes of a garden full of color – it didn’t quite materialize, so what color has appeared, I’m savoring.

Other things…the loud cry of the cicada. They seem extra loud. I don’t know if it’s the month – late summer or are they really more abundant? I don’t know.

Then there is that precious new addition to the family (of the canine kind). He’s a handful, craves attention but is relaxing more as each day passes.