
painted koi

Originally uploaded by SOFennell

After a meeting with one of the sensei I’ll be working with later this fall, it seemed that further play was in order. I need to make more samples for the kids. This won’t be one since this was needed play for me, but the thought came through on the same wave.

I think I must have needed to push some paint. Besides, I’d bought some oil paint sticks and hadn’t played with them. I also have tubes of paint long ignored, so this seemed the perfect venue.

If I had longer with the kids, I think I would go in this direction, but as each class is only 45 minutes (and actually it comes to less in reality) and I see each class only once, time is of the essence and materials have to be fairly quick drying. The kids will “play” with suggested imagery though and I hope to see a lot of variation in their work.

I’m still a few weeks out from any workshops and I have to admit, I’m enjoying the time to play, experiment and work on the upcoming.

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