the day begins

Jan8I’d like to begin on a positive note, in spite of the challenges that some of my nearest and dearest have already been presented with so early in this year. It’s deeply affecting, but when I see the clarity of the moon after days of thick clouds and cold, then see the sun rise the next morning, I feel promise.


So…the day begins. Over the last few days, I’ve been viewing Michel Garcia’s Natural Dye Workshop and am intrigued. I’ve “played” with some of his ideas previously, but seeing him work and hearing his explanations was invaluable, inspiring and exciting (and now I want to work in the garden!).

Explorations in silk, especially that Gunma silk are ongoing, slow. The time I’ve been able to give to the one large piece I’ve started is piecemeal. I get to it when I can, but here’s a peek:

There’s a long way to go.  I’m inching along.

The horse is another image I’m considering, it’s the Year of the Horse, after all. It’s still very much in progress. I have some thoughts about it – something playful  to start off the year.


Preps are also ongoing for the February event at the Art Museum (NCMA).
I’m rereading Balfour-Paul’s Indigo, so full of history, facts about the plant, the dye, documented with beautiful illustrations. Revisiting it has been a pleasure.

Indigo_237_296_c1 There will be a hands-on dye experience or engagement after the book discussion and I am looking forward to giving that presenation.  Further details are on the Events page.

So, there’s much to grow on in the year, explorations and workshops are “afoot” and there will be more to come as they reveal themselves. The very best to my readers in this New Year.

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4 Responses to “the day begins”

  1. shiborigirl Says:

    speaking of learning new things- I just learned about yamamayu silk and it’s ability to resist dye when woven into a pattern with other cultivated silk. very cool. i like that you are presenting at museums out your way- someday perhaps we’ll meet in the middle!

    • Susan Says:

      That new silk sounds like it has some very interesting implications. You have to show us the way, Glennis. I am so delighted to have that opportunity at our art museum, really looking forward to it. Ånd, someday, I do hope we can “meet in the middle” somewhere. Wouldn’t that be fun!

      • shiborigirl Says:

        actually, it’s very old silk. a wild silk of an oak silk moth that used to be raised in the mountains where and when oaks were more prevalent. I’m still wondering about its ability to resist the dye as apparently it is not twisted much. a sort of tsumugi.

      • Susan Says:

        I can’t begin to imagine how it would look dyed…nothing like these old textiles, is there? What there is to be learned from them.

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