

Originally uploaded by SOFennell

Yesterday was our last day with him. He was ready. Sometimes we referred to him as the “Ever ready bunny” or a cat, since it felt like he had nine lives. He’d outlived most dogs of his breed (Scottish Terrier) by several years – he was 15 and was with us for 14 of those years.

He liked to dig for little “varmits” in the front yard, walk at the park, burrow in the snow (when we had it), watch movies and “dive” into his special bed. He was mischievous, liked to tease and give chase; yet, was protective and an affectionate companion.

In the end, his eyes were weak and couldn’t hear as well, but he was determined to do what he felt was his job – look after us. One word we felt defined him was “gumption.” We’ve learned a lot from our little pup.

8 Responses to “Bastian”

  1. jude Says:

    awww. gee, he had a good life tho

  2. Shiborigirl Says:

    Ahhhh. The hard part of having dear pets-letting them go. What great memories and a great photo. Sorry Susan – a sad day.

    • Susan Says:

      Thank you, Glennis. It is, for sure, even when they’re telling us and we know and all of that. We learned that
      he had a sense of humor, so there was a lot of laughter…

  3. neki desu Says:

    sad news, but he left lots of good memories for you.

  4. velma Says:

    i’m so sorry, sad news when a canine leaves us. what a great photo, though, full of personality.

    • Susan Says:

      Thank you so much! We do feel that connection with them don’t we? I miss him in the funniest ways…not there to bark at the mailman or step over in the hallway. He did have lots of spunk, all the way to the end. Amazing.

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