In the gym

In the gym

Originally uploaded by SOFennell

I really did have my doubts about the gym. One of my specifications is to have a sink. There were bathrooms nearby and the kids didn’t go until clean up at the end of the session. Somehow, it worked. The sessions were short and I felt frenzied, but the kids were engaged and I had some wonderful volunteers. They even provided me with a fortifying lunch. The principal came to visit for a while and as seen in this picture, she was being interviewed by a local reporter (she interviewed me too!).

I’d left the house in plenty of time for a timely arrival, but had only 5 minutes to spare when I finally pulled in the parking lot. I was panicking and I know the folks at school were. All of the traffic lights were out when I arrived in Smithfield, some of the signs were misleading and I got confused, so I backtracked. I lost time. Then again, when I finally got on the correct street, I couldn’t find the school, went too far and backtracked again. Next time, I’m leaving earlier.


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