

Originally uploaded by SOFennell

Sometimes the intrigue is in the form that’s created before it’s finally dyed. I’ve been stitching on this for over over a week now and finally finished this aspect of it last night. I tend to put my stitches in first, then draw them up (unlike the ladies in Arimatsu). My fingers don’t have the dexterity and the years of training to handle it the way they do (and I am in awe). I’m also reminded that when these ladies work this way, they’re working on long swaths of fabric. My pieces are minute in comparison.

I’ve been playing with a fairly flat piece here, but I’m seeing other possibilities in this form. A part of me wants to forget my original purpose and just leave it. However, there’s also that other result: the memory of all of this recorded in an image on the fabric. I know I’ll love the piece when it’s finished. On Friday, I’ll mix my “brew” and spend the day dyeing in indigo.

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2 Responses to “Mokume”

  1. shiborigirl Says:

    so, are you saying that the ladies in arimatsu pull the stitches up as they go? that would be difficult….
    hope to get a day with my indigo vat this weekend too…

  2. sofennell Says:

    Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying and I agree with you. Not only that, but they do it with great speed and agility. It’s amazing.

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